Hey @JudgeyK!
I've had a dig and I can see what you are talking about:

"id": "664243894382658270",
"mac": "df:a1:23:3e:da:ab",
"networkId": "L_664843893860569900",
"name": null,
"deviceName": "vívosmart HR+",
"manufacturer": "Unknown",
"lastSeen": 1582222415,
"seenByDeviceMac": "83:15:77:50:4a:d4",
"inSightAlert": false,
"outOfSightAlert": false,
"tags": []
However, I wouldn't rely on the "status" column as there isn't actually a connection (like WiFi or non-BLE bluetooth). The AP is simply listening out for beacons and then they are being presented in the list.
The best thing is to look at the "lastseen" field and then programmatically decide when they no longer exist (which is what dashboard UI is doing).
It makes sense in a human readable format (on the dashboard UI) because you can look at the page and quickly see which which BLE beacons have been here in the last minute or two based on the green symbol, but other than that it doesn't really give much info, and the lastseen field actually gives you more information.
Hopefully this answers your Q 😁
Happy Friday!