API v1 - Is there an equivalent to organizations/:organizationid/securityEvents?

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API v1 - Is there an equivalent to organizations/:organizationid/securityEvents?

I've been making use of the Organization Security Events in Dashboard API v0.  This is the same information presented in the Dashboard under: Organization -> Security Center -> MX Events.


I'm having an issue with this script and thought, while this can of worms is open, why not migrate to API v1.  The problem is that I cannot seem to find an equivalent to the Security Events in v1.  I can find Network-level events, same as in v0, but nothing under Organization for security events.  I thought maybe security events were lumped into the network-level events, but that doesn't seem to be the case, either.


Am I missing it?  I've browsed and searched through Postman for "security" and not finding a match.


Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.

1 Accepted Solution
Head in the Cloud

2 Replies 2
Head in the Cloud

I think you are searching for getOrganizationApplianceSecurityEvents 

@GreenberetThat is it, thank you.  I made a poor as$-umption by seeing "appliances" in the URL and assuming this request would be at the appliance level, not the entire organization.

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