iPads not showing online on dashboard when they are online

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iPads not showing online on dashboard when they are online

I use the Meraki Dashboard to monitor thousands of iPads across several states for my clients. This season, however, I am running into a problem wherein devices that I can verify are online are showing as offline on the dashboard, keeping me from sending updates.


The devices are confirmed to be able to connect to the internet, and are able to browse. I have taken the following steps multiple times and still this issue persists. this seems to be a problem with about 30% of all of my clients devices, and seems to have no rhyme or reason as to when they will show on the dashboard as online. 


- Ensured that all network settings are properly configured, and that the devices are able to connect to the internet

- Hard rebooted the device

- Reset network settings and reconnected to the WiFi

- Removed all proxy settings to ensure that there is nothing blocking the connection to Meraki

- Powered down the device completely.

- Attempted to send signals from the dashboard regardless


normally this will resolve itself after 3-4 days, however there are some devices that just do not seem to want to show regardless of how long they remain online. Are there any other steps that I can take to get these connected devices to show connected on the dashboard?

11 Replies 11
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Do the devices have the systems manager app installed on them? If so open the app, you should have green ticks next to the four items at the top. 




Have you whitelisted the Meraki servers on the up stream firewall?



They do not have the systems manager app installed on them, as they need to be kept as bare-bones as possible.


They are whitelisted, and have connected to Meraki within the last month, others that have the same exact settings, are also working properly and showing on Meraki. (Even though it took a few days to get them to show) this last one just won't seem to connect.

Are these existing devices that stopped working or new devices that were added to SM?

Existing devices that have connected in the recent past to Meraki. Other than not communicating with Meraki, all of the pads other network features are working as intended.

I'm pretty sure its not this because it's traffic from the device thats the problem but is your APNS certificate valid?

Yup, It doesn't expire until 2030.

Are you sure, push notification certs aren't usually for more than a year.

Perhaps I am looking at the wrong certificate, where would I find the APNS Certificate specifically?

Kind of a big deal

Are these devices using Private Wi-Fi addresses when connecting to wireless? If so, that could be breaking the connection to the dashboard as the MAC address is not what the Meraki is expecting it to be. 


I would make sure you have this off for all of your managed iPads.

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I don't think that is the issue otherwise there would be a huge amount of people having this issue. Pretty sure systems manager works based on a device ID

We have tried both with and without Private Wi-Fi Switched on. If it helps, it is normally switched on, and is currently working on other pads of the same model, connected to the same network. 

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