Can I get service Availability report of all Meraki devices from Meraki Dashboard


Can I get service Availability report of all Meraki devices from Meraki Dashboard

Hello Folks, Greetings for the day.


Can anyone please let me know if  we can get a Service Availability report of all Meraki devices from Meraki Dashboard or not? If not, what is the best possible way to do it?

Thanks as always.




4 Replies 4
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi Kavy, 

Just to clarify, when you say Service Availability do we mean the uptime of the MX in a particular timeframe? 

i.e. Uptime of MX for a period of 7 days. 

Maria P | Network Support Engineer, Cisco Meraki

Hey @MariaP8 , Thanks for the response.


I'm looking for the uptime of all the MX, MS, MR devices in our organisation for last one month. Is there anywhere I can find it?

Being able to see this information is relatively new to the Dashboard, and is only visible on the MS and MR products, not the MX appliances. 

I thought maybe you can leverage the API to pull this info but I didn't see anything there either.

Unless you can get it from support you might be out of luck I am afraid.


Hi Kavy, 


@Arthamon is correct regarding the Dashboard uptime visibility and the API. Uptime statistics from the dashboard at this point in time are relatively limited. 

For statistics on uptime you can use the Organization > Overview page. This won't provide you with the specific uptime of the device unfortunately. 


The other option is to manually view each MR and MS to check the uptime (MS needs to be on firmware 15.21.1+ and MR on 30.x+). 

1. Go to Organization > Overview. Then select the tab that says "Devices". You can see each of the connectivity bars there. Unfortunately it does not give you an uptime metric, but it does give you the dates of when the device was connected to the Cloud or not. 


2. Go to Organization > Overview. Select the "Networks tab". Click on the "+" sign next to the CSV button. Select "network health" and "% offline" from the "+" dropdown. 





3. Go to Switching > Switches and select your switch and view the uptime there.


4. Go to Wireless > Access points and select your AP and view the uptime there. 


Maria P | Network Support Engineer, Cisco Meraki
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