Automated reports

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Automated reports

I know what I want isn't available via the dashboard but I had hoped that there is something available on the Meraki Marketplace that someone can recommend. 


What I need is to have a weekly automated report that lists devices connected to our guest network. ( Using Meraki splash page) 


If anyone can suggest a 3rd party solution that would be great.

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Not quite what you are looking for - but Splash Access is a guest portal system, and it has a lot of integrations.  I'm guessing it might have some kind of system to send a report weekly.


Otherwise, if you are keen to use the API ... you basically want this:


for client in dashboard.networks.getNetworkClients(net['id'],total_pages='all',timespan=7*86400,vlan=2):
   print(f"\"{client['description']}\" with IP \"{client['ip']}\" made by \"{client['manufacturer']}\" ")


It retrieves all clients in the last 7 days.  There are lots of filters.  This example extracts out all the clients on VLAN2.

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