Access Point doesn't display current clients

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Access Point doesn't display current clients

When I view the live data for an access point, it searches continually for the data. It worked a few hours ago. Is there anything to trouble shoot?

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Correct me if I am wrong but you are just getting a spinning loading icon and data isn't ever loading? I've had  this in the past.


1. Try clearing browser cache or try a private window

2. Try a different browser


Failing that I would open a support ticket.

Kind of a big deal

To add to @BlakeRichardson as well before opening support ticket. I would also try a hard reset on the AP, remove it from network, then add back in.

A model citizen

I'd check that the AP is still broadcasting your SSiD's and servicing clients.  I've seen this recently on some AP's, see my post below

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