Hi Meraki Community


Hi Meraki Community

Hello everyone,

this is my first post to the community to introduce myself and start exchanging with the members.

My name is Haroun, I'm a network analyst for te last 5 years of my 20+ IT career .. I have a 3-4 years working experience with Meraki products.

Working for a large Canadian retailer, we implanted a full Meraki solution for our 1500 stores across Canada, including Security appliances, switches, wireless and Cameras.

I hope to sharpen my experience with Meraki by exchanging with the community members and sharing my experience and knowledge.


5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi @HarounSlimani  !


Another Canadian 😁


I'm 100% sure that I know which Canadian retailer you are refering to. 


Welcome ! 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Thanks for joining the community.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Welcome! 1500 networks will keep you busy 😎

Building a reputation

Welcome to the Meraki community @HarounSlimani 

Jamie Williams
Delaware City School District
Getting noticed



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