Your mission, should you choose to accept it...

Community Manager



 ... deploy WiFi in a conference center!


This is your reminder that entries to our WiFi challenge must be submitted by 11am PT on Monday (Sept 24). That's four days from now.


We have some great entries already, but we'd love more! And we might - just maybe - send a little swag to EVERYONE who enters. 🎁


Also — if you're feeling social-media-y, feel free to share the challenge. You can use this friendly link: or perhaps just retweet from @meraki


Good luck!

Getting noticed

 Will everyone else has the ability to view some of the entries? I have actually had issues with this in the past (Not Meraki/Cisco equipment) at a large resort and the engineer before me blindly trusted manufacture specs. So the 120+ Clients it was planned for turned out to be 15 Clients before everyone stopped being able to connect at all. I would just appreciate the chance to see how others have tackled this.

Community Manager

Hi @TimBisel - 


You can see the entries now - they're here: Scroll down to see the actual entries. And vote for your favorites!

