ICYMI: Head over to the CLUS 2023 Meraki Lounge for contests and more!

Community Manager

If things have seemed a little quiet around these parts, it’s because we’ve been gearing up for Cisco Live with lots of fun ways for you to engage and win some pretty sweet prizes over in the CLUS 2023 Meraki Lounge! Don’t worry if you’re not attending in person in Las Vegas next week, because you can still participate virtually. 👩‍💻


Most of our contests have ways for you to join in the fun right from the comfort of your home. Join the Meraki Community Scavenger hunt, for example, and complete the first 3 activities for a chance to win a Nintendo Switch. Or you can complete the Meraki Learning survey, register for a virtual research session with the team, or do both for more chances to win in the Meraki Learning contest!

We also have daily trivia and other fun in store for you in the discussion area all week long, so be sure to stop by online and check it out!

Kind of a big deal

Best of luck guys who so ever onsite 

Here to help

Sounds like fun!