Congratulations to our June Members of the Month

Community Manager

Congratulations to our June 2018 Members of the Month! For the first time, we're incorporating Solutions Authored into the MOTM calculations  and they count DOUBLE. See this post for more info. And now, without further ado....


June 2018 Meraki Community Members of the Month


104 kudos

14 solutions


76 kudos

12 solutions


77 kudos

5 solutions


30 kudos

2 solutions


For the 10th straight month, @PhilipDAth leads the pack — congratulations, Philip! We also welcome @jdsilva to the MOTM club  we're so glad you joined us. Congratulations also to @Adam and @Mr_IT_Guy for repeat MOTM appearances.


As always, thank you to everyone who participated in June, especially our many First Post Month first-time posters!


Ok, ya'll, I'm on vacation, so I'm keeping this one short. To those of you in the US, have a great Fourth of July!


Welcome to the Meraki Community!
To start contributing, simply sign in with your Cisco account. If you don't yet have a Cisco account, you can sign up.