UPDATE: this contest has ended. We loved reading all of your fun Meraki rhymes, so thank you to everyone for participating! Our randomly selected winners are: @GeorgeC, @Madhan_kumar_G, and @therightwaye. Congrats! 🎉
Today is National Limerick Day, and what better way for us to celebrate the occasion than by challenging you to a little poetry slam? All in good fun of course!
But first, a little history lesson.You may be wondering, why May 12th? Well, the day also marks the birthday of English artist, illustrator, author and poet Edward Lear. He’s best known for his works of nonsensical prose and poetry, and it was he who popularized the limerick in his 1846 publication “A Book of Nonsense.”
If you aren’t familiar, a Limerick is a verse containing three long and two short lines with a rhyming scheme of AABBA. The rhyme alone is not what makes a limerick though. These poems are usually humorous, silly, and often even rude or bawdy. I’m sure a few examples may come to mind!
One of the most well-known limericks is the children’s rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock about the mouse who ran up a clock from Mother Goose. Many of the Mother Goose rhymes, in fact, are limericks.
Here is one I wrote just for this occasion, as an example to get you started:
In honor of National Limerick Day today,
We invite you to join us in some fun wordplay!
You’ll write your own Meraki rhyme,
For a chance at prizes and a good time.
We hope this contest has you saying, “hooray!”
I know poetry can be a challenge though (I had a heck of a time writing even that short stanza!), so to make this a little more accessible, you don’t have to adhere strictly to the limerick format. Simply give your best shot at a short rhyme about Meraki, and remember to have a little fun with it!
How to enter
Comment below and with your rhyme before 10:00am EST on Thursday, May 18th. Remember, you don’t have to write five lines that follow the AABBA rhyming scheme. Any rhyme or type of poem will work. Everyone who responds to this post with their rhyme will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win one of three Cisco Meraki wooden induction speakers:

How to win
Once submissions close at 9:59am EST on May 18th, we will select three at random to win a speaker. Good luck!