UPDATE: This contest is now closed. Thank you to everyone who made their first posts this week! 🎉 Congratulations to our 10 randomly selected winners:
@Perazzelli, @cham, @Nafets, @andyyu1, @RyanNelson_9, @lozanosergio, @EtanaMeraki, @Balachander, @Smula, and @Andreas_Swe!!!
Putting yourself out there takes courage! Especially on a public forum for the world to see. That’s why, this week, we want to recognize the brave folks who take the plunge and make their first post on the Meraki Community.
Everyone who posts for the first time this week (12am EST Monday, November 11 to 11:59pm EST Sunday, November 17) will be entered into a drawing to win one of 10 Meraki Swag Packs.
What counts as a post, though? New forum topics, replies, and comments on blog articles all will earn you entry to the contest, so long as your post contains content and follows the community guidelines.
If you’re in need of some inspiration, here are a few easy ways to participate:
How to enter
Make your first post (a new topic, a reply to an existing topic, or a comment on a blog) before 11:59pm EST Sunday, November 17th.
How to win
On Monday, November 18th, we will draw 10 winners at random to win a Meraki Swag Pack that includes a Meraki notebook, totebag, keychain zip pouch, socks, and a long sleeve shirt.

The Fine Print