Thank you @spadefist, a lot of this I suspect with our current deployment as mentioned, probably far better ways to approach this. We do this as hub-mode today, again from way-back before the Cisco Borging, and has only evolved minimally along the way, but we do not even specify dual tunnels for full backup. I suspect it's time for an entire redesign, but no one is bringing this up from an account perspective short of jumping on calls to help when it blows up to brow-beat tac. Not ideal, and painful from even my perspective to watch. I look at this like database sharding, striping of concentrators, or whatever you want to call it, but distributing load among multiple distributed endpoints, whatever the method is ideal per what you're saying - we're just not doing this today. We just need some help to speak some hard truths to the customer that for being a 6B a year company to stop being cheap of they don't want to lose their millions per minute during these store outages that occur far more frequently than we should lately. See my prior post, I agree with most everything you say, but I'm just a random contractor, plus my time here is nearing an end. I'd just like to see these guys get some help if not going to listen to me. No one on the account teams wants to stop them and say "Hey, you're doing it wrong," and I fear my saying it is starting to become rhetoric. I would suggest you ping the account team if you can see my email address to the account to ask what's going on, as they do need some help here I think, and a sizable account to keep in good graces. I have a few weeks left on the payroll, but would like to help this along as I hate to see these sorts of issues persist for anyone.
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