Hello Everyone. I am trying to apply group policies in meraki . I have applied policies to Laptops/Desktop after fixing the Wireless IP address . But in case of mobile phones, I am facing issue. As every time, mobile phones are changing their MAC and IP address even if I have fixed their IP and MAC randomization is set to "Phone MAC' or "Private MAC". Their MAC address is fixed only for that particular SSID for which I have fixed the MAC, but as the user connects to another SSID, it automatically changes to "Randomized MAC" and it bypasses all group policies. Even "Description" which I set for that mobile device, changes to default name due to which it is difficult to track the device even with Name, MAC and IP. Someone , kindly suggest me the best idea that how to fix any identity of mobile device on Meraki so that I can apply the group policies on mobile devices . Is there any solution to fix the mobile device identity and won't changes if user connects to any SSID ?
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