SDWAN is comparable to a shopping centre at a location which has many roads leading to it. Some of these roads are sealed, some are dirt. Generally speaking, the sealed roads provide a quicker path to and from the shopping centre. In order to best distribute traffic, the 4 wheel drive vehicles leave the shopping centre via the dirt road and the normal vehicles leave the shopping centre via the sealed road (scenic path). Whilst the luxury cars leave the shopping centre via the more direct sealed road. However, on rare occasions during bad weather some of the roads become flooded which greatly reduces or completely cut off access. When such events occur an alternate path is chosen. For example, if the luxury cars are able to but greatly impacted or totally unable to go via the most direct sealed road due to flooding, they will try the scenic route sealed road followed by the dirt road until a more reliable path is viable. Each luxury vehicle will check the status of the roads as they leave the shopping centre. Alternatively if the dirt road and sealed scenic road is flooded, the 4 wheel drive vehicle will go via the direct sealed road, again each 4 wheel drive will check the status of the roads before they leave the shopping centre. WAN's = Roads (Sealed Direct, Sealed Scenic, Dirt) Applications = Cars (Luxury, Normal, 4x4) Hope you enjoy the analogy Cheers Anthony
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