General-Zod has earned 9 badges!
CMNAJan 29 2018Earned by 16,541Congratulations on receiving the CMNA badge! Certified Meraki Network Associates are Meraki partners who have completed our hands-on lab class.
1st BirthdayAug 21 2018Earned by 10,803Happy Birthday, Meraki Community! You joined the community during its first year; thanks for being an early adopter!
25 PostsMar 30 2023Earned by 813The 25 Posts Badge is awarded to all community members who have written 25 posts. Congratulations!
First 5 PostsJun 19 2019Earned by 5,422The First 5 Posts Badge is awarded to all community members who have written 5 posts. Congratulations!
25 KudosDec 21 2019Earned by 505The 25 Kudos Badge is awarded to all community members who have received 25 kudos. Congratulations!
First 10 KudosAug 20 2019Earned by 1,257The First 10 Kudos Badge is awarded to all community members who have received 10 kudos. Congratulations!
First SolutionSep 25 2019Earned by 1,612The First Solution Badge is granted to members whose response has been marked as a solution. Congratulations!
Lift-OffMay 3 2019Earned by 8,261You’ve completed the pre-flight checklist here in the Community: written a post, given a kudo, and logged in more than once. Congratulations!
Points Contest - Jul 2019Aug 1 2019Earned by 143The Points Contest badge is awarded to all community members who achieved 30 or more points in our July 2019 Points Contest. Congrats!