Depends 18.211.2 on one of our MX105's had us running at 100% CPU utilization after the upgrade. We saw that this was potentially fixed with 18.211.3 so we deployed just .3 (with supports guidance) to this one 105, our entire auto vpn mesh began to flap wildly. We lasted 1 hour on 18.211.3 before we had to roll it back to 18.211.2 to stabilize our hub & spoke auto VPN topology. The unit we patched was a single spoke MX (we did not patch all MX's with .3) For now the device that prompted us to patch to .3 is not showing the high cpu utilization and is back running 18.211.2 Goes without saying, but be careful with firmware loads, even the ones marked stable can sometimes not be stable and anything not in the "stable" bucket is probably very much not stable. We have a case open and are working with support on our particular issue but the current action plan is "sit and wait" and "reboot it if the CPU gets pinned again". HTH
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