It may assist others to fully explain the differences. The Meraki ACL rules refers to IP addresses and subnets using CIDR notation. It allows you to only block or allow traffic between networks - not just a single switch. It's good for example of "securing camera traffic" or "protecting guest subnets from cross network communication to other LAN clients". The Catalyst ACL is using a wildcard format that is like a reversed subnet mask. It allows you to apply the list to access to virtual routing, ports, SVI interfaces, VLANs, and mgmt services on a single switch. As @KarstenI mentioned, the ACL will be applied to every switch - not just one. It also has a single purpose of blocking or allowing traffic. You need to see what the Catalyst ACL is protecting and see if it's still relevant. You can translate the wildcard rules to CIDR notation to put them in Meraki. (you can easily google "wildcard subnet calculator" to find an online tool to convert them), but you want to ensure you understand the entire network impact this will have. Once installed, all the switches will get the ACL traffic rules. Ref: Ref:
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