Addendum: I only got time to return to this yesterday afternoon and I also have no experience whatsoever of Python. Sadly appears to be somewhat abandoned and the /wireless/radioSettings method has been added since it's last update, therefore it's annoying to use. Anyway I have added getdevicenetdetail to and it's called like this and it returns the serial number and rfProfileId values for the AP radiodetail = meraki.getdevicenetdetail(my_key, my_net_id, target_ser) print(radiodetail) Add the following into your ----- start ----- # Returns the serial number and rdProfileId for the specified AP # Make sure it is an AP that you query otherwise it will error def getdevicenetdetail(apikey, networkid, serialnumber, suppressprint=False): calltype = 'Device Detail' geturl = '{0}/networks/{1}/devices/{2}/wireless/radioSettings'.format( str(base_url), str(networkid), str(serialnumber)) headers = { 'x-cisco-meraki-api-key': format(str(apikey)), 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } dashboard = requests.get(geturl, headers=headers) # # Call return handler function to parse Dashboard response # result = __returnhandler( dashboard.status_code, dashboard.text, calltype, suppressprint) return result ----- end -----
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