I'm getting frustrated now. I try to setup User VPN to authenticate with Radius-server but cannot get it to work. If I use Cloud Authentication it works fine. On the Meraki I setup up as follow. Subnet: Custom nameservers: IP to our internal DNS-server I have a Shared Secret. Authentication: Radius RADIUS servers is our internal Network Policy Server. IP: Port: 1812 Secret: Same as on Network Policy Server. The Policy Server is installed and registered in Active Directory. I have followed the guide at https://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Client_VPN/Configuring_RADIUS_Authentication_with_Client_VPN I have all ports in and out opened on the Network Policy Server (just for test). When the client attempt to connect they get error 691, wrong username/password. I have tried multiple differnt accounts, but all the same. Tried login with their domainname/username and mailaddress and other combination. But same error all the time. Rebooted the Network Policy Server. Tried from two differnt clients. MX Eventlog says msg: <l2tp-over-ipsec-1|1055> deleting IKE_SA l2tp-over-ipsec-1 msg: <l2tp-over-ipsec-1|1055> closing CHILD_SA net-1{6517} with SPIs cb90df4f(inbound) (798 bytes) efccb7de(outbound) (379 bytes) and TS msg: <l2tp-over-ipsec-1|1055> CHILD_SA net-1{6517} established with SPIs cb90df4f(inbound) efccb7de(outbound) and TS Packet Capture says nothing about Radius.
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