Hi there, Here's a little background for context: I work in K-12 where I have a high school with around 3000 students and about 175 staff. We are a 1 to 1 district where students get Macbook Airs and staff gets Pros (and several shared laptops, desktops, ipads, etc). MacOS & VPP updates (Office/native apps/any volume license app) are getting larger and larger. We can control when MacOS system updates are pushed, but not VPP. Two days ago an update came out that was almost 4gb. So naturally, 3000+ devices tried to download once next connected to the internet, which is Monday morning on campus. We have been having major (timeouts, etc) slowness issues since then. Do we send notifications for students/staff to leave devices on and online at home?--yes. Do they do that? ---no. I see in the dashboard that majority of traffic has been coming from our caching servers (we have them on prem so egress isn't tapped out). The past 24 hrs, 2TB+. So, it's our internal network that's being tapped out (I believe on the AP level). I think creating a Traffic Shaping rule that lowers the priority of traffic from these caching servers would be the way to go. What do you think? Network Setup: MR42 (avg 30-45 devices connected per AP/classroom)--> MS250--> MS425 --> Egress router
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