This has the same issue there needs to be something to capture the hooks, store the data and then create a report at the end of the week / month. And this is what i am trying to avoid we have a number of tools that check AP status and so i could for example use a call to Solarwind to get the AP up / down time. But i was curious if there was a way to do native in meraki. And it looks like you can do it using the network alerts history and network devices. results = dashboard.networks.getNetworkAlertsHistory(net["id"], perPage = 1000, total_pages='all') for net in networks: results = dashboard.networks.getNetworkAlertsHistory(net["id"], perPage = 1000, total_pages='all') print (results) deviceevent = (event for event in results if event["device"]["serial"] == "xxxxxxxxxx") for event in deviceevent: print (f' Time start {event["occurredAt"]} type {event["alertType"]}') print gives the events for an AP and only needs 2 calls per network. Then it's not too hard to loop through this and for a specified time range count the down time per AP. Time start 2023-02-13T10:05:24Z type An access point came up Time start 2023-02-10T23:25:20Z type An access point went down Time start 2023-02-05T17:07:55Z type An access point came up Time start 2023-02-01T00:21:30Z type An access point went down
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