Thought to add this so that in case someone look information on this then they can complete data. Take the number before the ,99 from CSQ value and refer to table below Value RSSI dBm Condition 0 <-113 Worst 1 -111 Worst 2 -109 Worst 3 -107 Worst 4 -105 Worst 5 -103 Worst 6 -101 Worst 7 -99 Worst 8 -97 Worst 9 -95 Worst 10 -93 OK 11 -91 OK 12 -89 OK 13 -87 OK 14 -85 OK 15 -83 Good 16 -81 Good 17 -79 Good 18 -77 Good 19 -75 Good 20 -73 Excellent 21 -71 Excellent 22 -69 Excellent 23 -67 Excellent 24 -65 Excellent 25 -63 Excellent 26 -61 Excellent 27 -59 Excellent 28 -57 Excellent 29 -55 Excellent 30 -53 Excellent 31 >-51 Best
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