Update: I contacted support and after 2 1/2 hours they determined the device was faulty. Meraki shipped a new device overnight with an RMA label. I made a test network and added the new device to that network. With the new device, I connected it as DHCP to a Verizon router. It was able to reach the Meraki cloud and update firmware and it's config. I then installed the device in the rack. Through the local status page I configured the uplink static ip address. It connected to the Meraki cloud just fine. This device is the spare in a HA pair, so I then removed it from the test network and added it to the correct network. At this time the new device wouldn't connect to the Meraki cloud so I power cycled the device. BOOM, both were connected to the cloud but both were the Master because I did not connect them to the LAN yet. After connecting to the LAN my primary was the Master and the second device was the spare. Hope this helps someone.
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