Hi Guys, I think I'm running into this too. Big disclaimer here, I'm no expert on programming, so excuse the crudeness if I'm doing something wrong here. I am working on a script that will allow me to specify a site to clone the content filtering rules. I just made the same script for the L7 rules and it worked perfectly. This one is not working so well. Below is the script I'm using right now. I'm just trying to collect the content filtering rules, which comes in as a hashtable of hashtables I believe. I am then converting it to a JSON, which I thought turned it into a string. When I try to run the single Invoke-RestMethod, at the bottom, to put the JSON rules at another site I get an Error (400) Bad Request. I used the Streamer method to try to troubleshoot. That tells me the following {Each element in 'blockedUrlCategories' must be a string} I can't understand why that would be the case. If I do a GetType() on my $json it shows that name is string but the basetype is system.object. I'm not sure what I'm missing here. Do I have to do something to the JSON data to change it to a string? IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType -------- -------- ---- -------- True True String System.Object #create header with API key
Write-host "Creating API Key Header"
$header_org = @{
"X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key" = $api_key
"Content-Type" = 'application/json'
# Get list of all the network ID's in the org
#create meraki uri to list the networks in the org
$MerakiUri = $baseuri + "/organizations/$org_id/networks"
#execute rest call
Write-host "Collecting all network ID's in the organization"
$networklist = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $MerakiUri -Headers $header_org
#create empty array to store network ID's for each site
$networkArray = $null
$networkArray = @()
#put networks into an array using the list we got from the REST API call
foreach($network in $networklist){
$networkArray = [array]($networkArray + $network.id | where-object{$_ -notlike "$network_id"})
# Get the L7 geoblocking countries out of site we are cloning #
#create merakiuri to list the L7 rules in the network
$MerakiUri = $baseuri + "/networks/$network_id/contentFiltering"
#execute rest call to get the config for the site to clone
write-host "Collecting Content Filtering FW rules from $network_id"
$tempcontentrules = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $MerakiUri -Headers $header_org
#drop the name property from the blockedurlcategories. Found this in the forums to resolve error wtih API put
$tempcontentrules.blockedUrlCategories = $tempcontentrules.blockedUrlCategories | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty 'name'
#convert rules to json format
Write-host "converting rules into JSON format"
$contentrules_json = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -InputObject $tempcontentrules
# Put the content filters onto the rest of the sites #
foreach ($each_network_id in $networkArray){
#create URI for contentfiltering rule put
$content_uri = $baseuri + "/networks/$each_network_id/contentFiltering"
#add rule
write-host "Creating content rules for network $each_network_id"
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $content_uri -MaximumRedirection 0 -Headers $header_org -Body $contentrules_json
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