Community Record
Sep 11 2019
8:42 PM
1 Kudo
Support is saying its a Dashboard UI issue that's causing the alerts, but it shouldn't cause any disruption to users.
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Sep 11 2019
8:31 PM
1 Kudo
Yep just experienced the same thing across all of our sites. On the phone with Support now...
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Aug 19 2019
10:56 PM
1 Kudo
Thanks, everyone for your input. The consensus seems to be 2x unmanaged switch solution to avoid the awkward MS120 mgmt and remove the single point of failure. @BogoMips You might be onto something here - I think my MS120-8 had a statically assigned IP from my ISP, which I then also gave to MX1 later on. Not sure how long the lease is for, but this could explain it.
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Aug 18 2019
11:16 PM
@PhilipDAth To configure the switch initially I plugged it in downstream, let it download the config, then re-cabled without that downstream connection but with a public IP. After that, it remained orange, until I added that link back to create the circular dependency. Maybe that initial step is where I went wrong? Also, if I were to give it a mgmt IP from one of the two ISPs, how would the switch behave in the event of that ISP link failing? @jdsilva Yes, I agree that 2 VLANs are required and that's exactly how I've got it configured: VLAN100 (ISP1, MX1, MX2) and VLAN200 (ISP2, MX1, MX2). run a dedicated link into is on the "LAN" that's behind the MXs for Mgmt. Wouldn't this create the circular dependency that @PhilipDAth was referring too?
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Aug 18 2019
6:31 PM
Hi everyone, I'm trying to use an MS120-8 to split 2 WAN links between 2 MX100s that are in HA. I followed this guide to set up the HA pair using downstream switches in a full mesh config for VRRP. However, I ran into real issues when I introduced the MS120 between the ISP handoffs and MXs. This is how I had it configured: The first issue was trying to configure the breakout switch. It wouldn't connect to the Meraki cloud without also being directly connected downstream to one of the L2 switches. Without that connection, the LED would remain orange, and the switch shows as offline. The second issue is I started seeing 'Uplink IP Conflict' errors on the primary MX. I'm not sure why given that, I have statically assigned the WAN IPs on both MXs. Finally, I also saw a spike in packet loss, where it used to be 0% before introducing switch, it's now consistently 15-20%. Unfortunately, I don't have a lab environment to test any of this, so to avoid disruption during our business hours, I've partially rolled back to the following setup which appears to be stable for now: WAN1 - MX1 WAN2 - MX2 MX1 and MX2 in HA via downstream switches per the diagram. From everything I've read on here, even a simple unmanaged switch should work, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with this MS120. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. Raj
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Jul 14 2019
10:01 PM
@GrantB I've been referring to these two articles, which you may find useful: @RyanB When you have 2 ISPs (single RJ45 handoff from each) split between two MXs, am I right in thinking that you'd need 3 IPs within the same range, from each ISP: ISP1-Gateway, ISP1-MX1 & ISP1-MX2 and then ISP2-Gateway, ISP2-MX1 & ISP2-MX2?
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Jul 3 2019
8:01 PM
Unfortunately, neither ISP offers a second handoff but that would have been my preference. I'm hesitant to use an internal switch since ports are at a premium here. I have a spare MS220-8, which I think I can use as the external switch to do what you said. Thanks @PhilipDAth.
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Jul 3 2019
7:06 PM
Sorry to dig up this old thread, but hoping someone can clarify something for me. I'm looking to replicate the 'Fully Redundant (Multiple Switches)' setup from the HA documentation using dual WAN links, two MX100s and two MS120s. However, the documentation doesn't really detail how WAN1 and WAN2 connect to both MXs. From what I understand the design is not supported because it recommends a direct connection between the MXs for the VRRP heartbeats. However, earlier in the post, he talks about splitting the two WAN links using a breakout switch so that both MXs have a connection to both WAN links. Is this a good way of doing it? Newbie here - go easy please 🙂
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