If you think you have found actual security issues you should report them via the Bug Bounty program. You can earn cash this way. https://bugcrowd.com/ciscomeraki You can also email the Cisco PSIRT team. psirt@cisco.com I've had a quick look at the pages. For the admin users, are you referring to the "secret" field? I don't know the format of this field. I'm going to guess it is a salted hash of some kind. I can see the psk_passphrase field you refer to. It seems a funny place to have it on this page. Note you can retrieve this anyway from the Wireless/SSIDs. I can't see any reason why it should be on this page - so you should report it to the Bug Bount program. I'm not sure you'll get a reward for this, since it is retrievable anyway, and I think it will get classified as minor.
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