@GIdenJoe - with the new 2.5.0 release in the app and play stores you now can have multiple accounts managing the same network and easily switch accounts in the app to manage another network. Shared-admin Management is the new feature you will use to execute this. Regarding VLANs, we just released VLAN configurability on the SSID, more coming around increased VLAN configurability but currently, no you cannot create a VLAN on the GX. There are many differentiators between the Go solution and the dashboard ENT solution. Key differences: - Mobile-app cloud management platform vs URL based dashboard cloud management platform. - ENT will scale as large as you need vs Go allowing as many switch ports as you need and up to 20qty APs but only 1qty GX in a network before you're needing to have the dashboard conversation. - Go does not support site-to-site connectivity like dashboard. - Go does not support APIs for customizations or integrations as the dashboard is so perfectly built to accommodate.
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