My apologies if I went overboard "mansplaining" all of that yesterday evening. I was a bit groggy after a long day of work. So, just to be sure, have you selected that port as Tagged or Untagged for the VID that matches the one on the Meraki port? If it's untagged, then that makes it an access port. It needs to be tagged for it to be a trunk port. Again, sorry, it's hard to be clear about your current setup due to the way you illustrated it in your original post: MX (trunk port)-> MS 24(trunkport) --> D-Link (accessport)--> Devices <<< Not working MX (trunk port)-> MS 24(accessport) --> D-Link (accessport)--> Devices <<<working If this is accurate, then it would explain why it's not working the way you want it to since the D-Link port must be a trunk port in order to talk to another trunk port. Cheers! -Rob Edit: It just occurred to me that it could be Untagged if the VID matches the Native VLAN ID configured on the Meraki port. If that were the case, though, you might as well make the Meraki port an access port since you wouldn't be able to trunk any other VLANs across the link.
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