Hello, I am trying to build a script that copies SSID info from one network and updates another network with that info. PUT endpint https://api.meraki.com/api/v1/networks/{destination_id}/wireless/ssids/{ssid['number']} It seems to work ok with PSK SSIDS but on one which is Enterprise with Radius - it has problems. The first error was "encryptionMode' must be one of: 'wep' or 'wpa" I found this that advised just removing that key: https://community.meraki.com/t5/Wireless-LAN/quot-Update-the-attributes-of-an-SSID-quot-AP-endpoint-broken/m-p/61491 Which I did, but then I got another error {'errors': ["'radiusFailoverPolicy' must be a string"]} I don't understand why I am getting these errors, if the fields are correct for the network I copied from, why is the API saying they are wrong when I try to copy to a network? API payload data: {
"number": 0,
"name": "Redacted",
"enabled": true,
"splashPage": "None",
"ssidAdminAccessible": false,
"authMode": "8021x-radius",
"dot11w": {
"enabled": true,
"required": true
"dot11r": {
"enabled": false,
"adaptive": false
"encryptionMode": "wpa-eap",
"wpaEncryptionMode": "WPA2 only",
"radiusServers": [
"host": "",
"port": 0000,
"id": "000000000000000000",
"openRoamingCertificateId": null,
"caCertificate": null
"host": "",
"port": 0000,
"id": "000000000000000000",
"openRoamingCertificateId": null,
"caCertificate": null
"radiusAccountingEnabled": false,
"radiusTestingEnabled": false,
"radiusServerTimeout": 1,
"radiusServerAttemptsLimit": 3,
"radiusFallbackEnabled": false,
"radiusProxyEnabled": false,
"radiusCoaEnabled": false,
"radiusCalledStationId": "$NODE_MAC$:$VAP_NAME$",
"radiusAuthenticationNasId": "$NODE_MAC$:$VAP_NUM$",
"radiusAttributeForGroupPolicies": "Filter-Id",
"radiusFailoverPolicy": null,
"radiusLoadBalancingPolicy": null,
"ipAssignmentMode": "Bridge mode",
"useVlanTagging": true,
"defaultVlanId": 0000,
"radiusOverride": false,
"minBitrate": 11,
"bandSelection": "Dual band operation",
"perClientBandwidthLimitUp": 0,
"perClientBandwidthLimitDown": 0,
"perSsidBandwidthLimitUp": 0,
"perSsidBandwidthLimitDown": 0,
"mandatoryDhcpEnabled": false,
"lanIsolationEnabled": false,
"visible": true,
"availableOnAllAps": true,
"availabilityTags": [],
"speedBurst": {
"enabled": false
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