Right, I hear you re: the NAT. I was meaning we've had modem devices on the Meraki compatibility chart that have not even allowed stable internet connections, so without that reaching the cloud we have nada right off the bat...the 730Ls were an example of that for Verizon until Meraki yanked it from the compatibility list after we had already had a number of sites putting them into use. We don't want some production solution going out to dozens of locations that take too much finagling every time. So to me it was interesting this Velocity is not on the compatibility list yet is showing steady internet. We never got steady internet on the last modem they tried, and it WAS on the compatibility list. In the future we want to give the Z3C unit a fair look and skip this whole USB modem stuff, but as of yet Verizon is not supported on those so that's a deal breaker, and of course they are WAY more expensive than a standard Z3 and sites are looking at the cheapest modems they can that are on the list. yep, I will try the steps you mentioned..in fact i had already set up the manual NAT on our side via the portal, but having the customer on their side work out the port forwarding is a task, as these are often just small offices and dispatch employees, etc., not I.T. staff or someone designated for this stuff. At this site she is already fed up and is just packing the whole thing up and bringing it to At&t to see what they can do. Which may be a good thing. We can hopefully have them set up the forwarding on their side and give that a go. Or, alternatively, try some other modems or different APNs, etc., that don't cause a firewall block. At ethernet/switch sites, we encounter that Unfriendly NAT a lot, but having them change the persistent NAT setting on their own firewall (usually SonicWall) always does it. But i have not seen a modem connection have a firewall/NAT problem until this one. Thanks again..
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