As long as the device is connected to the internet without restrictions it should get its config. Verify the restrictions by going to help>Firewall Info. You could also try a hard reset on the AP.
Otherwise you may have to call support since it could be a different issue.
The Internet exit is a Cisco ASA firewall. I don't know which settings the meraki cloud needs for our firewall. Which addresses and ports need to be permit?
As @Adam said, in the dashboard, go "Help/Firewal Info". It will tell you all the firewall rules you need.
@ericliu any update? Also, are you plugging in the AP where it can grab a DHCP address and begin reaching out to the cloud, or will you have to configure a static IP and gateway to prime the AP?
If you're not behind a restrictive firewall or proxy (that blocks outbound connections) and if there's DHCP, Meraki equipment is plug and play. Also note that even if there's a restrictive firewall that even blocks outbound connections by default, the AP will also attempt to make a "backup cloud connection" over ports 80/443.
So if DHCP is in place, check if you have outbound firewall restrictions on the ASA, and/or if you might be behind a restrictive proxy. As others pointed out, you might need to open a couple ports such as UDP/7351 for cloud communications.
If there's no DHCP, you may need to connect to an SSID on the AP (like the meraki setup SSID) and point a browser to and use the local status & configuration page to prime the AP with its static IP/GW settings, or possibly with proxy login info. More info on that here
dear all,our firewalls outbound traffic is permit ip any any , and i used command packet-tracer test,the udp 7351, tcp 80, tcp 7734, tcp 7752 ,udp 123 are all open, The problem still exists,the ap cannot download configuration;
Your network(s) |,,, | 7351 | UDP | outbound | Meraki cloud communication | Access points, Cameras, MX Security Appliance, Phones, Switches | | | 443 | TCP | inbound | Meraki cloud communication, customer-hosted Scanning Push API server: *******:443 | Access points |
Your network(s) |,,, | 80, 7734, 7752 | TCP | outbound | Backup configuration downloads, Backup firmware downloads, Backup Meraki cloud communication, Throughput tests live tool | Access points, Cameras, MX Security Appliance, Phones, Switches |
Your network(s) | Any | 123 | UDP | outbound | NTP time synchronization | Access points, Cameras, MX Security Appliance, Switches |
But the ap error is now as follows: Unreachable for translation missing: zh.datetime.distance_in_words.x_days,my network no limit ,and Firewall policies have been released ,ap can get the address by dhcp,but cannot connect meraki cloud
Do you have another internet connection at a different location you can try connecting it to temporarily to see if it connects?
dear Adam ,I tried to connect ap to other network environments, and the ap could not connect to meraki cloud, but when I connected meraki Cameras to the same network, meraki mv could connect meraki cloud. Is it a hardware issue for my ap device?
It seems like you may need to RMA that AP @ericliu
How to do RMA
Open a support case (Help->Cases from the Dashboard) and ask for an RMA.
And mention that you've tried it on multiple different internet connections and got the same result.
The firewall has permit the TCP/UDP port, but the problem still exists