We've had this issue last school year as well, but we don't allow student printing so it only affected our operations folks who use iPads primiarly. I rolled back firmware on our aps, rebooted, factory reset, and nothing. We ultimately had to install the HP print app on the ipads, and that worked. But this school year, we had a issue related to bonjour once we upgraded our macs to Sequoia. Ours were that our printing was very very slow, to the point where once a job was submitted, it would spin for 1min+ before the job went through. There seems to be an issue with Bonjour forwarding and the new OS. We ultimately had to disable bonjour forwarding on our Faculty ssid to our printer vlan.
I'm leaning that there may be something going on with Meraki Bonjour forwarding and apple products. We have had an apple ticket open for months, but haven't gotten very far.