Testing new Wi-Fi radio setup and have 2 buildings the need to work in with a parking lot separating the buildings.
Each buildings APs and Outdoor AP all function as expected with 2 other SSIDs in place.
I start in building A and can use radios without issue, walking across parking lot and into building B. In building B the basement AP is the issue. As soon as the radios try connect to it they fail. Even restarting the radios will not get them to re associate with that AP, but of o walk to another AP in same building and try, they work.
I just opened a ticket on Friday and am waiting for response but figured Id post here to see if I could get it sorted.
Authentication auth_mode='wpa2-psk' vlan_id='40' reason='eapol_timeout' radio='1' vap='4' channel='153' rssi='58'
So as they users roam around the buildings if their radio tries to connect to this basement AP it fails, and radio is never able to reconnect until power cycled near a different AP.