Static IP - I don´t get to understand

A model citizen

Static IP - I don´t get to understand

Maybe it is a stupid question .

I have connected  a meraki for first time without internet conexion .For this reason I don´t have any ip on mi meraki.


The router provaider has a fix IP´s  , the  dhcp is not activate . For this reason I am trying to put on meraki static IP via web .
So I guess I  will need to connect from meraki internet port to internet provider a cable ,  and them conect a pc on some meraki MX port. i will have in  computer a ip of the provaide range and the provaider getway .

So in this time I have my computer conect on meraki port and the meraki connect from internet port to iinternet provaider r . I am trying  to connect via  browser  from my computer wired.meraki.comi it is dosent work .

is It possible to put a ip static if the provader router dosent have dhcp activate ? . I dont get understand how is the proccess how meraki conect to .



1 Accepted Solution

Remember, changes in the dashboard have no effect until the MX connects to the dashboard and downloads the config.  So if it's never connected (or if you do a factory reset on the device) it will have the default single VLAN config.  So you should be able to get an IP from DHCP and connect to the local status page.  Then you can configure the WAN IP to match your ISP settings and connect it to the Internet, and it will connect to the dashboard to download and apply the configuration changes you've made there.



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Typically you would use the local status page to set the static IP address:

Using the Cisco Meraki Device Local Status Page - Cisco Meraki


If you are using an MX, it should be running DHCP by default, so you could set your PC for DHCP and connect it to one of the LAN ports on the MX, and you should get an IP address assigned.  Then you should be able to go to to get to the local management page and set your static IP on the WAN port.


You would also want to go ahead and set the WAN IP in the dashboard, since once the MX connects to the dashboard it will download the config from there.




Hi Thanks for your reply


I have these vlans









So all of these vlanes have  activate  dhcp .


So if i understand you . I would  have to create a vlan 1.with ip  with dhcp running and after connect a pc and this pc should be able to go .




If the MX has never connected to the cloud, it should have the default configuration, which I believe is the Single VLAN setting you show above.  So if you connect a PC configured for DHCP, it should get an IP address in the network.  At that point, you should be able to connect to to get the local management page, or if that doesn't work you can see what your default gateway is set to (probably and try connecting to that IP in a browser.  If that doesn't work, try a factory reset to make sure you have the default config and try again.


Once you get connected to the local status page, you should be able to configure the WAN IP, and once it connects to the cloud it should update the config from the dashboard, then the VLANs you show above will be configured.



Yes I see , but i configured new vlanes and erase the vlan 1 for default. If you can see the MX ports they are in troncal . For this reason I will have to configure again the vlan 1 internal and configure one of the ports with this vlan 1 for connect to pc  isent it 

Remember, changes in the dashboard have no effect until the MX connects to the dashboard and downloads the config.  So if it's never connected (or if you do a factory reset on the device) it will have the default single VLAN config.  So you should be able to get an IP from DHCP and connect to the local status page.  Then you can configure the WAN IP to match your ISP settings and connect it to the Internet, and it will connect to the dashboard to download and apply the configuration changes you've made there.





Everithing was good . Thanks

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Factory reset your mx.  Connect your pc on the lan port to get a ip address assigned from dhcp.  Go to or your default gateway ip address. Login  with serial number of the mx

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