Setting "Group rekey interval"/"Pair rekey interval"

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Setting "Group rekey interval"/"Pair rekey interval"

We have a client device that will attached to the MR AP but after a time (in this case about 3 days) it disconnects and will not reconnect.

This happens with all the client devices (same model and FW).

They are all connected to the same, dedicated SSID.


The client device manufacturer has advised us to "increase the rekeying value on Meraki AP by modifying the "Group rekey interval" and the "Pair rekey interval" settings on Meraki AP"


Below is the disconnect event from Meraki Dashboard:




Is modifying the "Group rekey interval" and the "Pair rekey interval" a common action with Meraki configuration?  How would we determine what to modify it to?


Thank you,



1 Accepted Solution
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If you have a Meraki device, you have support. Look at the upper right corner in the dashboard.

View solution in original post

4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

It is not common as this is not even a configurable element for the Meraki AP. You could open a support case to ask for advice with this problem.

I was thinking it would be uncommon.

Can I open a support case with Meraki directly if I don't have a direct service contract?  If so, how can I open a support case?




Any customer who has active licensing for their Meraki devices (e.g. your APs), has 24x7, 365-day access to Meraki Support.   Probably best to call in on the phone for this one...

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If you have a Meraki device, you have support. Look at the upper right corner in the dashboard.

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