Hello All
I have Meraki cloud controller and I add SSD for staff in my company and I configure everything I need.
This network allow staff to use Whatsapp only and they can send and recieved Text but for media is not allow (Pictures and videos)
I make Firewall policy to block everything and I allow three ports for whatsapp (5222 , 5223 , 3478) so I need to allow media for whatsapp only and not open for others apps.
Thanks in advance .....
I'm sorry, but what you want doesn't make any sense.
Whatsapp uses TCP 443 (HTTPS) to pass the majority of the connection traffic but it also uses TCP 80 (HTTP). If voice is used, then ports 4244, 5222, 5223, 5228,50318, 59234 & 5242 are used. UDP Ports: 34784, 45395, 50318, 59234.
This ports open Facebook media and still whatsapp not
If you identify the traffic you can tag it in Meraki to allow it. You might try these other ports for whatsapp also:
TCP: 4244,5222,5223,5228,5242
TCP/UDP: 50318,59234
UDP: 3478,45395
This ports open Facebook media and still whatsapp not
which port are you referring to? You can block the facebook app and still open any port. Please post a screenshot of your firewall rules for this port and censor any private details
You need to allow DNS.
But I personally don't think this will work. It would be easier if you had a layer 7 firewall.
I would give up now. I don't think you'll be able to achieve what you want, but you will lose a lot of time trying.
Trying to block Facebook and allow Whats app's wont work as they are both owned by the parent company Meta and they are so heavily entwined.
It's the same as trying to allow Gmail but block Youtube, it's pretty much impossible.