Point to Point Bridge Between buildings

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Point to Point Bridge Between buildings

Is there a validated design for  Meraki wireless capable of being utilized as a Point to Point bridge to back haul all traffic from a secondary building to a main building with L3 Switches instead of MX devices?


The use case would be for Wired and Wireless Traffic back haul.

I have found the following document



Can this be accomplished with MS250 and MS350 switches instead of the MXs?


The Wireless Bridge in this case would be a secondary link in case of fiber failure.So the Switches and APs will not be in Mesh unless the fiber uplink is down.

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This information from the document is key


VLAN tags are not maintained across wireless mesh links, any VLAN tags applied by wired infrastructure will be stripped before sent across the air. 


For the above reason, you need a device that will present all traffic to the mesh AP as untagged. This is achieved by a MX NATing the traffic of potentially multiple VLANs and presenting it as untagged VLAN 1, as shown in the article linked 



So this presents the problem of managing multiple VLANs in building B. The MS range does not have this NAT capability so the short answer to your question is no, this cannot be achieved.


I would speak to your Meraki Sales representative and there Design engineer who will be able to look at workable alternatives. 



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