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Dear everyone,
As on Meraki Documents, I will have the 30-day Grace Period for the new adding device (I use MR).
Can someone help me to explain these examples:
1) I'm using that device in 15 days during the Grace Period, then I buy a 1-year  license (365 days) and renew the device.
    → So that device will expire after 365 - 15 = 350 days from the day I renew, am i right?
2) With some unwanted events, I used the device in 30 days of the Grace Period
Then I unclaimed and re-claimed the device for another Grace Period.
And I used the device in the next 15 days without license, so 45 days Grace for total.
Finally I could buy a 1-year license (365 days) and renew the device.
   → Will it expire after 365 - 15 = 350 days or 365 - 45 = 320 days?
P/s: I use the 'per-device license' method
Thank you and best regards!
7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I think you have the wrong viewpoint.


Meraki is providing a service to you that costs them money.  To deliberately try and use the system to get "free" services is not morally right.  Sometimes things happen outside of your control that causes you to need to use it outside of your licence, but it is not something you should be trying to capitalise on.


Just buy the licence.  🙂

Thanks for you reply.


Let me explain, that's not true to say I'm gonna use it for free without any license.
At the beginning, I used it to test some features, then I tried to buy the license via a vendor, but my company have to discuss something with vendor so the license had to be "delayed".

That's why I want to know the expire day after I add the license


And I'm gonna buy a 1-year license as I mention before.



Dear Mr.PhilipDAth,


Could you please help me to explain those examples? How many days will I lose?
I'm gonna renew the device in next week as the plan, and I have to report information to my boss and accountants.
Thanks and best regards!
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Thank you.
I did read that document before, it just mentioned the day when the License would start, and about 90-days inactive Licese.
What I need to know is: in the 2nd month, will the Grace Period be incremental (30 + 15 = 45 days of Grace), or will it recalculate the time of Grace (only 15 days) (unclaim and re-claim device)?
I know that method is not right, but we are having some problem with the vendor, so that I can't renew the device on time.

Dear everyone,


Could anyone help me with these situations please?

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

For a hundred plus £££’s is it worth the effort of going through all that to gain a few extra days?

Darren OConnor |

I'm not an employee of Cisco/Meraki. My posts are based on Meraki best practice and what has worked for me in the field.
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