Network Nibbles: Troubleshoot Faster with Meraki Intelligent Capture!

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Network Nibbles: Troubleshoot Faster with Meraki Intelligent Capture!



Learning objective

Discover a better way to troubleshoot networking issues using Intelligent Capture!





Network troubleshooting is a necessary but grueling process when users report there are problems with the network. Thankfully, the Cisco Meraki dashboard can help identify the root cause of networking issues with Intelligent Capture! Packet capture files can be saved to the Meraki cloud and even analyzed by the dashboard to pinpoint errors and failures on the network.


The Proactive PCAP feature paired with Intelligent Captures enables troubleshooting data to be recorded automatically, saving you time from having to capture packets at the right place and the right time.







Give the Intelligent Capture feature a try to understand how it streamlines the network troubleshooting process!


Once you try packet captures using Intelligent Capture, you won’t be able to go back to troubleshooting the old fashioned way.



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Learn more

Want to learn more about wireless network troubleshooting on the Meraki dashboard? Visit our free eLearning course Wireless Advanced Operations!


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1 Reply 1
A model citizen

In my role I do alot of packet analysis with Wireshark. In the previous packet capture feature, it did not always work for me and I got partial capture files downloaded, now with the option to save it to the dashboard and download it has been a game changer for me.

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