Misleading clients policy view

Kind of a big deal

Misleading clients policy view

Hi all,

recently I added an SSID with iPSK, for testing.

After testing and recognizing it does not fit my requirements, it got deleted.
Deleted the GP´s as well and so on.


Since then, all clients in the clients-overview are shown with "custom"-policy.



Looking into the clients details page it shows following (only Wifi Client):




How do I get rid of this? Is it a bug?




1 Accepted Solution
Kind of a big deal

OK, seems to be a bug, see following info from support:


Hi Marc,

Just a quick update on this one - I was able to trigger the same behavior on my end in a lab environment and I have no sent the information that I have gathered over to the development team for review.

I will continue working with them and will let you know if there is any further troubleshooting or updates from them. Thank you for your patience while we investigate this issue.


View solution in original post

4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal

So, decided to open a case, and thats how the status is at the moment...:


+ Client devices are showing up with 802.1x policy: unknown policy "iPSK Mobile"

+ Marc was using this group policy to test iPSK but this isn't suitable so he has deleted the group policy and set the SSID back to PSK which triggered the issue
+ We are using Marc's Android to test - xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx and xx.x.xx.x

+ The AP recognizes that there is no current policy entry for the deleted policy as expected
+ The AP however is still holding historic entries for the policy that the client was previously attached to which is causing the message on the client overview page

+ Confirmed that the group policy was created March 29th and then deleted on April 7th
+ Found that there appears to be a missing update on the backend process for April 7th when the policy was deleted

+ A reboot of the AP removes the historical logs from the AP and the client overview page also stops showing the 802.1x policy message

+ Support to try and recreate the issue in a lab and consult with development team

Kind of a big deal

OK, seems to be a bug, see following info from support:


Hi Marc,

Just a quick update on this one - I was able to trigger the same behavior on my end in a lab environment and I have no sent the information that I have gathered over to the development team for review.

I will continue working with them and will let you know if there is any further troubleshooting or updates from them. Thank you for your patience while we investigate this issue.


Kind of a big deal


I have been discussing the case with the development team and they believe there are actually two separate issues at play here. One issue concerns the UI and how it handles the deletion of the policy and the other is regarding the firmware not removing the entries that we discussed on the phone.

As these will be investigated by different engineering teams I need to raise a separate investigation for each issue

Here to help

Bumping this thread as I got hit by this very issue this week. Workaround to get rid of the outdated policy was indeed to reboot the APs.

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