Hi all,
Last few years multiple topics in this community were about the limitations on the MR46E's transmit power in combination with one of the MA-ANT-3 models.
example: https://community.meraki.com/t5/Wireless-LAN/MR46E-Too-low-2-4-Ghz-transmit-power-in-ETSI/m-p/150004
These antennas had in their specs the mention of a per-element antenna gain which caused Meraki dashboard to limit your transmit power even more below what we were used to.
Normally you just take your max allowed EIRP and subtract the antenna gain to reach your maximum Tx power. However this per-element mention made it so that you had to subtract an additional 6dB on an MR46E which would put the max Tx power in Europe with a ANT-3-F6 to 2 maybe 3 dBm... 😉
I have recently noticed on a customer dashboard that this limitation has been removed and you now can treat the antenna gain again like any normal antenna. So in the case of my example you can set the Tx power to 8 dBm instead of 2. Also on the 5 GHz band you can now go way higher even on the channels that only allow up to 23 dBm. No longer need to put the channels on 100 and higher to fix this.