I would go with @alemabrahao advice first.
If you check the serial number of one of the APs that is not working - has it definitely been added to the network you are looking at?
The APs that are not showing green - are they showing as offline, or something else?
The switch ports that all the APs plug into - do they all have identical configurations? Do they all plug into the same switch? If not - are the links between the switches configured for trunking?
Are you able to check the local status page of an MR that is not working? What does it report as the problem?
If you check the device providing you Internet access, perhaps your firewall, does it show the APs with a problem "talking"? Any of their traffic being blocked?
If you swap a working and non-working AP, does the fault follow the AP or the network cable it is plugged into?
I'm assuming all your APs are cabled. Is that the case?