We have 17 MR55 AP in our environment -
Since the implementation on regular stable firmware, there were many devices who could not see the broadcasting SSID coming from the AP. Some devices were HP and some dell mostly either win 7 or win 10. Some not all...
I called Meraki support and they had me push out the beta 26.5 version so they can disable the AP for wifi 6 capabilities...
Since then - after doing driver updates to a lot of devices, when connecting to different access points, the clients would connect/disconnect.
When reconnecting - the device would take forever to communicate to the AP, then when it finally communicated, it said no internet, until about 10 to 15 minutes later, It was connected successfully.
Some users when connected are seeing slowness when saving documents in excel /such..
any ideas..
1. currently have layer 3 roaming
2. WPA-2 Enterprise
3. Dual band operation with Band Steering
radio setting show the following for 2.4

Radio for 5

to add to this - the access points which I am seeing the issues with are about 100 ft apart from each other, do you think this Is causing overlap/interference or client drop off issues? (slowness)