Guys, I'll explain my scenario here and I'd like to know if the polices group can help me in this case:
SSID 1-> Vlan 1 - Administrative users;
SSID 2-> Vlan 2 - Users only browsing 3 different times on the same day;
SSID 3 -> Vlan 3 - VOIP Users;
SSID 4 -> Vlan 4 - Users only board;
SSID 5 -> DHCP Meraki. Visiting users registered for browsing.
Note that these VLANs are just for networks not to talk and of course I have any or deny rules for some situations.
I would like to decrease the SSID number. But how could I do this using the police group? For example: Vlan1, 3, and 4 devices can not talk. How to make layer 3 and 7 rules?
Could someone give me an idea?
Thank you !
Pedro Constantino
Pedro Constantino