@Pedro I think the best way to go would be to give us a call, but basically, what I can point is this documentation about troubleshooting VoIP deployments. https://documentation.meraki.com/zGeneral_Administration/Tools_and_Troubleshooting/VoIP_on_Cisco_Meraki%3A_F.A.Q._and_Troubleshooting_Tips We enable the user to have more than 3 SSID because there are some cases where you would like to enable some SSIDs on especific APs (and not in others, i.e. Meeting Room XYZ), so this way you can creater them. I would also like to point that usually these kind of scenarios are complicated in the sense that it is not only one problem, if not more than one, and dividing the big issues into multiple ones is quicker. For the roaming issue, I would take monitor mode PCAPs on the wireless (at the source AP and at the destination AP), as well as PCAPs on the wired side of the APs. There must be a reason why the device is having issues doing the roaming and usually in the reassociation response frames you can see what was the reason.
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