Error_code='30' - Association Problem on Wireless Network


Error_code='30' - Association Problem on Wireless Network

I wish all the best for you Guys!!!


I'm presenting this error (Error_code='30' - Association Problem) in my Wireless Network (All SSID) since one or two months ago, i think that this start to happen after the firmware upgrade to the version 28.6.1. I try to resolve creating an specific RF Profiles for the APs that are in diferent areas inclusive i changed multiple times WPA authentication method without any results (right now it's on "WPA2 Only"), yesterday i did again the firmware upgrade to the version 28.7 and i saw on the details of this version that repair some bugs but today in the morning i confirm that problem continius. I'm now viewing some videos to improve my wireless network, with hope of find the resolution.

2022-08-15 10_38_56-Document1 - Word.png

In the image above that you can see the problem its happen with different clients on the same SSID but really this is afecting all SSID.


I would be very grateful that you can help me.

7 Replies 7
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hey George!


The Error code there, corresponds to the 802.11 code for Association (in this case); you can find a full list here . Now, unfortunately that is not a very insightful situation, as error code 30 corresponds to "Association request rejected temporarily; try again later"; there can be many different reasons for this, so I'd like to ask a few further questions:

- Did you try with an SSID on Open without any form of authentication? This would rule out completely issues with the authentication part. 

- Do you have more than one AP? If you do, does the issue occur on all of them or just this one? 

- Are the clients completely unable to associate or is it happening intermittently?

- Does anything happen before the issue presents itself? For example, do all the clients get disassociated and then are unable to reassociate?

- Does the problem occur on both 2.4 and 5GHz? Could you try to to set the SSID to just one of the two bands to see which of the two is impacted?

- What model of AP are you using? If it is a Wifi6 AP, did you try to disable the 802.11ax beacons from the radio profile?

- Are you able to reproduce it at will? If you are, it may be worth opening a case with Support as well, so we can cast an eye on the backend logs too for anything going wrong.


Many thanks!


Please keep in mind that what I post here is my personal knowledge and opinion. Don't take anything I say for the Holy Grail, but try and see!
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Hi @GiacomoS , thanks to answer me


- Did you try with an SSID on Open without any form of authentication? This would rule out completely issues with the authentication part.

Yes, and all operate well for the authentication, and I didn't wait long enough to see an association problem 

- Do you have more than one AP? If you do, does the issue occur on all of them or just this one?

It's happening in all APs (4) and SSIDs (5)

- Are the clients completely unable to associate or is it happening intermittently?

It's happening intermittently

- Does anything happen before the issue presents itself? For example, do all the clients get disassociated and then are unable to reassociate?

No, and is random the problem is affecting a big part of the clients but not all. If now i try to connect my cellphone or My laptop maybe could receive 2 or 3 times the association error and then will connect but this connection would not be or maintain stable

 - Does the problem occur on both 2.4 and 5GHz? Could you try to set the SSID to just one of the two bands to see which of the two is impacted?

Yes, I did some proofs and it’s happening on both.

- What model of AP are you using? If it is a Wifi6 AP, did you try to disable the 802.11ax beacons from the radio profile?

MR33 (3) and MR36 (1), I have not done that, I will try and let you know the behavior of the wireless network

- Are you able to reproduce it at will? If you are, it may be worth opening a case with Support as well, so we can cast an eye on the backend logs too for anything going wrong.

Yes, and I have opened case but not help me at all, i ll try to generate some loggs to show here.

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hey @George_UC ,


It sounds quite a bizarre problem. Could send a screenshot of the Timeline view as well please?

I'll let the Community chime in here to see if anybody encountered something similar in the meantime.



Please keep in mind that what I post here is my personal knowledge and opinion. Don't take anything I say for the Holy Grail, but try and see!
Appreciate who helps and be respectful of every opinion and every solution offered.
Share the love, especially the Meraki one!
New here

Hi, has been issue been resolved?

I'm experiencing exactly the same problem with my Wifi as well.

New here

Same I have faced in MR20 models. I have approx. 20 devices.

New here

We also have this problem. I will try to delete my SSID profile. Monitor for a week.If I reconnect to the same SSID,I can solve this problem.

# auth_mode='wpa3-psk' reassoc='1' reason='invalid_pmkid' radio='1' vap='5' channel='149' rssi='52'PC troublePC trouble


Hi Attlee


Giacomos help me a lot with a review of Layer 3 configuration, and the problem was solved when I disable the option 802.11w on the SSIDs.


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