Hey @jctech2025 ,
I am indeed a Meraki person!
It would likely be better to give us a call than to open a ticket. However, we could take down as many details about the event as possible and hide the case until you call in at a later time. In that instance, we would likely want to know the following at a minimum:
Date issue happened:
Time issue happened:
MAC address or Hostname of client:
SSID name:
Network name:
Brief description about the behavior as seen from the client's perspective:
What seems to resolve the issue (if any):
What changed around that time (regardless if it seems relevant at the present time):
However, if I was in your shoes, I would advise whoever is on site to immediately call the Meraki Support team when the issue happens again. I would set aside 20 to 40 minutes out of their day to troubleshoot. We would want the same info as above, but we would also want to have the Meraki NSEs review logs, review configurations, and possibly pull packet captures while the test client on site tries to reproduce the issue.