Authentication client failed 802.1x authentication to the RADIUS Server issue

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Authentication client failed 802.1x authentication to the RADIUS Server issue

Dear All, 



               I'm currently facing an issue with one AP in our customer's site, one AP has the following warning with specific ssid, whereas the rest of the AP do not have such issue, i have ran the radius test in the portal, but all of them has passed the radius authentication test, also i have tried to look for the NPS radius server logs, i couldn't find any authentication failure related, any help would be appreicated 


meraki Authentication.jpg




8 Replies 8
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

What model AP is it? Tried rebooting the AP?

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i havent tired rebooting the AP yet, but the model is MR44 Current version: MR 29.5.1, Thanks 

Kind of a big deal

Have you checked if the AP is registered as a Radius Client on the Radius server? Have you tried performing a packet capture?

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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i checked in Radius side the AP has permitted in the server, and other endpoint could successfully connected to the internal SSID, the radius authentication has passed, its only sometime i see such unauthentcation log appear for this AP, i could perform a packet capture to the radius to see any abnomral issue 

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shall i try increase the timeout ? 




Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Try and increase EAPOL Key Timeout to 1000ms

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at the same time i'm checking the NPS radius logs see any finding, may be i can increate the EAPOL Key value as well 

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i have increased the Eapol timeout to 1000ms, thanks 

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