Authentication Issue 'eapol_timeout'

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Authentication Issue 'eapol_timeout'

We are not use Authentication servers to authenticate wireless users.

Just use only WPA 2 encryption mode to authenticate wireless users.
But we identified there are a lot of EAPol timeouts happened during the client authentication


this is the error message: 
auth_mode='wpa2-psk' vlan_id='70' reason='eapol_timeout' reassoc='1' radio='1' vap='2' channel='48' rssi='55'

What would be the issue for this EAPol timeouts 

Is this issue occurring from end user device or Access Point side ?


How Can we minimize this eapol timeout issue?

I will be happy for any help or hits to resolve this issue 

7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I don't have the answers but I find it really strange that your post is almost word for word a copy of this one :


But isn't EAPoL only used for 802.1X auth ?

New here

Yes because I have some problem, and there is no solution for it 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

EAP is for Radius auth as mentioned already, I suggest you open a support ticket if you haven't already. 

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I am not 100% of the cause of this. But I had this problem also. And I was able to resolve it by enabling fast roaming 802.11r. Give that a shot and let me know if that works. If your able to that is. 


I was having a similar issue with a Meraki camera and enabling this resolved it, don't understand why but thanks so much for the tip, don't think I'd have tried it myself!

Here to help

I am having the same issue (SSID using WPA2-PSK and clients all of a sudden showing EAPOL Timeouts, which does not make any sense), but I do not understand how enabling 802.11r could solve it, since we are using PSK. I will try it though

Just browsing

Did you find a solution?  I seem to be having the same issue.

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